Affording a private dentist
With NHS dentists facing a nationwide funding crisis and seemingly no where accepting NHS patients, many Tunbridge Wells families are wondering “how to afford private dental treatment”; we wanted to share the ways you can avoid costly treatments and give you some practical advice on making private dental treatment affordable. ATTEND REGULAR DENTAL CHECK-UPS If […]
6 Root Canal Facts
Root canal treatment has a terrible, scary reputation and often makes our patients very nervous. But are root canals really that bad? It’s time to set the record straight and lay out the root canal facts. Fact 1Root canal treatment is not painfulA root canal is performed to relieve pain caused by an infection, dying […]
What causes dental emergencies?
Dental pain is something, that until you’ve experienced it, you can’t explain. But, what causes it? And, how can you avoid it? Typically, dental pain is caused by decay that has been left to march through your enamel, onto your dentine and inevitably, through to the live part of your tooth. Decay is entirely preventable with […]